Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Forgotten Work

Hey All,

I just found a bunch of old programs that i wrote at the beginning of the quarter and had forgotten to post them. So here they are...

Old Forgotten Programs

1. Pixmap - Pixmaps are data structures that contain pictures. These pictures can be used in various places, but most commonly as icons on the X desktop, or as cursors.

2. Ruler Grid - Ruler widgets are used to indicate the location of the mouse pointer in a given window. A window can have a horizontal ruler spanning across the width and a vertical ruler spanning down the height. A small triangular indicator on the ruler shows the exact location of the pointer relative to the ruler.

3. Status Bar - Statusbars are simple widgets used to display a text message. They keep a stack of the messages pushed onto them, so that popping the current message will re-display the previous text message. In order to allow different parts of an application to use the same statusbar to display messages, the statusbar widget issues Context Identifiers which are used to identify different "users". The message on top of the stack is the one displayed, no matter what context it is in. Messages are stacked in last-in-first-out order, not context identifier order.

4. Text Entry - The Entry widget allows text to be typed and displayed in a single line text box. The text may be set with method calls that allow new text to replace, prepend or append the current contents of the Entry widget.

5. Spin Buttons - The SpinButton widget is generally used to allow the user to select a value from a range of numeric values. It consists of a text entry box with up and down arrow buttons attached to the side. Selecting one of the buttons causes the value to "spin" up and down the range of possible values. The entry box may also be edited directly to enter a specific value. The SpinButton allows the value to have zero or more decimal places and to be incremented/decremented in configurable steps. The action of holding down one of the buttons optionally results in an acceleration of change in the value according to how long it is depressed.

6. Calendar - The Calendar widget is an effective way to display and retrieve monthly date related information.

7. Color Selection - The color selection widget is, not surprisingly, a widget for interactive selection of colors. This composite widget lets the user select a color by manipulating RGB (Red, Green, Blue) and HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) triples. This is done either by adjusting single values with sliders or entries, or by picking the desired color from a hue-saturation wheel/value bar. Optionally, the opacity of the color can also be set. The color selection widget currently emits only one signal, "color_changed", which is emitted whenever the current color in the widget changes, either when the user changes it or if it's set explicitly through the set_color() method.

8. File Selection - The file selection widget is a quick and simple way to display a File dialog box. It comes complete with Ok, Cancel, and Help buttons, a great way to cut down on programming time.

9. Action (Event) Box - At first glance, the EventBox widget might appear to be totally useless. It draws nothing on the screen and responds to no events. However, it does serve a function - it provides an X window for its child widget. This is important as many GTK widgets do not have an associated X window. Not having an X window saves memory and improves performance, but also has some drawbacks. A widget without an X window cannot receive events, does not perform any clipping on its contents and cannot set its background color. Although the name EventBox emphasizes the event-handling function, the widget can also be used for clipping.

10. Scroll Window - Scrolled windows are used to create a scrollable area with another widget inside it. You may insert any type of widget into a scrolled window, and it will be accessible regardless of the size by using the scrollbars.

11. Button Box - ButtonBoxes are a convenient way to quickly layout a group of buttons. They come in both horizontal and vertical flavors.

12. Toolbar - Toolbars are usually used to group some number of widgets in order to simplify customization of their look and layout. Typically a toolbar consists of buttons with icons, labels and tooltips, but any other widget can also be put inside a toolbar. Finally, items can be arranged horizontally or vertically and buttons can be displayed with icons, labels, or both.

13. Notebook - The NoteBook Widget is a collection of "pages" that overlap each other; each page contains different information with only one page visible at a time. This widget has become more common lately in GUI programming, and it is a good way to show blocks of similar information that warrant separation in their display.

Friday, June 5, 2009

This Week

Thursday - Friday
Arranged days next week to meet with James.
-Discuss how GVR works
-Discuss what James has accomplished so far
-Discuss what I am attempting to fix
-Discuss program that i have written and how to translate it into the fabric of GVR

Screen Following Program

Monday - Wednesday
I have formulated my questions to ask Stas and James

-Since the size of the GVR window depends upon the actual screen of the computer how is the grid created?

-I realize that the background image will have to do the inverse of the commands inputed to give the allusion of movement to the player, but where is the code that recieves these commands from the player?

Python Joke

Funny python joke from xkcd.com

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

This Week

I began to formulate questions for Stas about GVR and the code that i will have to fix. I hope to finish formulated all of my questions by the end of next week and submit them to Stas.

I successfully finished writing the code for the pygame program in which the screen moved and not the player, or in this case a circle.
Screen Following Program